Decoding the Akai Fire MIDI implementation – part 1

This article documents the journey I took to analyze and decipher MIDI control messages understood by a MIDI control surface: the most delightful Akai Fire. I describe the analysis process, the educated guesses I made, the tools I used, and how I came to a usable specification for the Fire’s MIDI implementation.

This post is a departure from what I usually write about. But keep the faith, it is related to embedded systems, just a slightly different slant.

The Akai Fire

Recently, SEGGER introduced the emUSB-Host MIDI class driver. This is my first contribution to the USB product, a very small contribution, and one that I intend to use a lot! This enables your embedded device to interact with all the MIDI instruments and control surfaces you can imagine, a huge array of equipment.

Here’s what the article will enable you to do with your embedded software, or any other software that is capable of sending MIDI messages:

Pads, buttons, and OLED all lit up, written to, and under embedded control!

If you want to try this yourself, in Part 3 there is a Zip file with an assorted collection of animations over the pad matrix, buttons, and OLED.

What you’re going to read

Because this is so long, I’ve split it into a series of three postings:

  • Basic mapping of button, pad, and rotary inputs
  • Putting color on the buttons and pad matrix
  • The most challenging part, that of bit-addressing the OLED

The final part has some bonus material on the Fire that I’ve not seen anywhere else. Maybe you can unlock some more features?

Anyway, skim through and take what you want from these articles if you’re you’re only interested in how to control the Akai Fire’s pad matrix and button LEDs, or to write something to the OLED display.

Unlit Fire

Before I purchased the Fire I knew that its MIDI implementation was totally undocumented. Akai’s official response to any MIDI implementation inquiry is that they have no interest in documenting the protocol because the Fire is a dedicated controller intended for use with FL Studio. Fair enough, warning heeded, don’t buy a Fire if you intend to use it with something else.

Googling around, others wanted to know how to control the pad illumination and OLED and how to map it. A glimmer of hope is that Akai state that the Fire is completely controllable as a class-compliant MIDI device.

Well, I took a gamble and bought this device to satisfy my need for a new controller and the challenge of decoding the protocol. And to provide, if successful, an interesting blog article that might help others to make use of this fine piece of equipment!

Power + Processor + Launchpad = Reversi

I’ve mapped multiple control surfaces before, from DJ equipment to pad controllers. A relatively simple task most of the time, you exchange standard MIDI note on/off and control change messages to make things happen. Some require System Exclusive messages which adds a little excitement, but these are usually documented.

The most recent mapping I undertook was for a Novation Launchpad mini that I purchased to develop my own sequencer using the SEGGER emPower-USB-Host board.

Micro-small yet power-packed emPower-USB-Host board
Micro-small yet power-packed emPower-USB-Host board

The Launchpad mini has no MIDI documentation but mapping was simple enough. With the emPower-USB-Host board I figured out the MIDI events generated by the pads and how to illuminate them. It’s standard fare: MIDI pitch carrying LED coordinates and velocity carrying the red and green illumination levels. The pad is as dumb as they come, just the way I like it, and there is no way to command it to pulse or blink a LED autonomously, you must do that all yourself.

With the mapping done and a dash of C programming, I ported emWin’s Reversi game to the Launchpad. It puts the Launchpad to use for something other than rhythm and music performance.

Playing Reversi on a Novation Launchpad mini with the emPower-USB-Host board

Long story short, I couldn’t get on with a 2×8 arrangement for a track in 16th notes or a cooler 4×4 arrangement. I needed the industry-standard x16 arrangement and that’s what the Fire provides.

Stepping out

After unpacking the Fire, the first thing to do was connect it to a self-made MIDI monitor on the emPower-USB-Host board and see what happens when you start pushing pads and twiddling knobs. Anybody familiar with this activity, automated by many DAWs, will instantly feel comfortable with the following for the buttons:

Input Press Event Release Event Input Press Event Release Event
STEP 90 2C 7F 80 2C 00 ALT 90 31 7F 80 31 00
NOTE 90 2D 7F 80 2D 00 PATTERN 90 32 7F 80 32 00
DRUM 90 2E 7F 80 2E 00 PLAY 90 33 7F 80 33 00
PERFORM 90 2F 7F 80 2F 00 STOP 90 34 7F 80 34 00
SHIFT 90 30 7F 80 30 00 REC 90 35 7F 80 35 00
BANK 90 1A 7F 80 1A 00 BROWSER 90 21 7F 80 21 00
SOLO 1 90 24 7F 80 24 00 PAT UP 90 1F 7F 80 1F 00
SOLO 2 90 25 7F 80 25 00 PAT DOWN 90 20 7F 80 20 00
SOLO 3 90 26 7F 80 26 00 GRID LEFT 90 22 7F 80 22 00
SOLO 4 90 27 7F 80 27 00 GRID RIGHT 90 23 7F 80 23 00

Turning tables

So buttons were easy. Now onto the rotary controls.

Input Touch/Press Event Release Event Turn event
VOLUME 90 10 7F 80 10 00 B0 10 xx
PAN 90 11 7F 80 11 00 B0 11 xx
FILTER 90 12 7F 80 12 00 B0 12 xx
RESONANCE 90 13 7F 80 13 00 B0 13 xx
SELECT 90 19 7F 80 19 00 B0 76 xx

No surprises here either. Apart from the non-regularity of the SELECT control, we have note-on and note-off events for touching the four rotaries and pressing SELECT.

The ‘xx’ is all relative for the infinite encoders, 7-bit two’s complement so 01, 02…3F are clockwise rotations (of varying angular velocity) and 7F, 7E…40 are counterclockwise rotations.

It’s nice that the four rotaries are touch sensitive, it means that if you use the OLED for a user interface, you’re able to show the value of the controlled item without turning the knob. What a shame that FL Studio doesn’t use this. Perhaps Akai stole this idea from Native Instruments who use the same concept on their Komplete Kontrol A25 keyboard (which I have, along with an S49) and Image Line just didn’t follow through on the implementation.

Firing pads

The pad array is absolutely regular, I’ll not bother to write it out in full:

Button Press Release Button Press Release
R1 C1 90 36 xx 80 36 00 R1 C16 90 45 xx 80 45 00
R2 C1 90 46 xx 80 46 00 R2 C16 90 55 xx 80 55 00
R3 C1 90 56 xx 80 56 00 R3 C16 90 65 xx 80 65 00
R4 C1 90 66 xx 80 66 00 R4 C16 90 75 xx 80 75 00

The ‘xx’ here is the velocity. Akai say that their pads are “limited velocity-sensitive.” That’s an understatement, you hit them and the reported velocity is very, very hard to control. Just consider the reported velocity as somewhat useless.

And so it begins

With this simple mapping complete, it’s time to move on to lighting the Fire’s pads and buttons in part 2.