Debugging with external memory: J-Link adds Dual Memory Maps

J-Link debug probes do two important things: they download programs into RAM or flash memory, and they enable debugging in real time, with the setting of unlimited breakpoints, viewing of memory registers, and much more. Without this debugging ability, we are back to trial and error. When the debug process just stops, with no way […]

Securing embedded systems with digital signatures: The basics

Securing an embedded system is incredibly important, and having a digital signature plays a crucial role in that. A digital signature confirms that a specific piece of information came from a specific organization (i.e. the one with the private key as described below) and has not been modified. Follow-up articles will firstly cover related issues […]

Saving power in embedded systems – Reducing idle CPU speed

Dynamic power, meaning power consumption that is proportional to a clock speed, is a significant part of the power usage of a computer system. Reducing CPU load is one way to reduce this. More interestingly, reducing CPU clock speed in idle mode is another way. And there is hardly any downside!

The Good, The Best, and The Only

In almost any area that invites comparison people want to know: “Who’s the best?” This goes for hotels, restaurants, manufacturers, and certainly sports teams. The embedded world is no exception. Except in the embedded world there is no contest or competition to decide a winner. The Good The embedded industry has a lot of good […]